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Cocaine Treatment

Cocaine and Crack-Cocaine use have been on the rise in the U.S. since 2013, at least partially due to it’s wide availability across the country.
In Los Angeles, the pressures of modern life can push individuals toward destructive habits. Cocaine, a powerful and addictive stimulant, has historically found its way into many social scenes across the city. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) indicates that in 2015, 968,000 people aged 12 or older initiated cocaine use in the past year. For those caught in the clutches of this addiction, seeking timely and comprehensive care is essential. At Pathways Recovery Center, we offer tailored cocaine addiction treatment designed to equip individuals with the tools they need to reclaim their lives.

understanding cocaine addiction

Cocaine is derived from the coca plant and is frequently encountered in its white, powdery form. As a stimulant, it revs up the central nervous system, bestowing users with an intense, albeit short-lived, feeling of euphoria. This potency is also what makes cocaine exceptionally addictive. With just a few uses, individuals can find themselves craving its exhilarating effects, ushering in a relentless cycle of dependence. The allure of cocaine isn’t just about the short-lived euphoria it grants. It also tends to feed the ego, convincing users that they perform better, feel more confident, and are more alert under its influence, further complicating the process of breaking free.

The science behind this addiction centers on the brain’s reward pathways. Upon ingestion, cocaine triggers a pronounced release of dopamine—a neurotransmitter intimately connected to sensations of pleasure, mood regulation, and energy. As this becomes a repeated action, the brain starts relying heavily on cocaine to experience these elevated feelings. Consequently, what starts as an occasional indulgence can swiftly transform into a gripping addiction, emphasizing the perilous nature of this drug.

The financial repercussions of cocaine use shouldn’t be underestimated. Many individuals find themselves delving deeper into financial turmoil due to the costly nature of this addiction. This financial strain, at times, even pushes users towards cheaper, yet potentially more harmful alternatives like crack-cocaine, highlighting the critical differences in the crack vs. cocaine debate.

Signs & Symptoms of a Cocaine Addiction

Detecting cocaine addiction early is more than just a proactive approach—it’s a lifesaver. Recognizing the initial signs can catalyze seeking timely intervention, enhancing the chances of a successful recovery journey. Beyond the immediate, often euphoric effects that cocaine presents, there’s an array of behavioral and physical indicators that can hint at a developing dependency.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:
Cocaine use might often be masked under the illusion of control. Users might feel that they are functioning better, but the outer chaos, deterioration of relationships, and dwindling finances might paint a different picture.
Some additional indicators to be cautious of are:
While the behavioral and physical changes might be evident, understanding them in the context of addiction is vital. It’s paramount to realize that the presence of one or more of these symptoms, while not definitive, flags potential concerns. These signs serve as early warnings that deserve attention, especially when substances like pink cocaine are involved, ensuring individuals get the necessary support before the situation exacerbates.

Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

As with many addictive substances, discontinuing cocaine after sustained use can result in withdrawal symptoms. These can vary in intensity based on the duration and severity of the addiction. Common withdrawal symptoms include:
  • Fatigue: A significant drop in energy levels, often leading to prolonged periods of sleep.
  • Depression: Feelings of hopelessness or intense sadness may surface.
  • Increased Appetite: There’s often a rebound in hunger once the drug is no longer suppressing the appetite.
  • Vivid and Unpleasant Dreams: Sleep might be disrupted by intense dreaming or nightmares.
  • Agitation and Restlessness: Discontinuing cocaine can lead to feelings of unease and discomfort.
  • Physical Discomfort: Many individuals experience muscle aches and nerve pain during the withdrawal phase.
  • Mood Swings: As the brain tries to recalibrate without the influence of the drug, users can experience erratic mood changes, from irritability to sudden bouts of anxiety.
  • Slowed Thinking: Cognitive functions may be temporarily impaired, making decision-making or focusing on tasks more challenging.
  • Intense Cravings: One of the hallmark signs of cocaine withdrawal is a powerful urge to use the drug again, stemming from the brain’s previous reliance on it for dopamine release.
Navigating these symptoms can be daunting, making the support and guidance of a professional treatment program essential for a successful recovery journey. Understanding and managing cocaine withdrawal symptoms is a critical aspect of the treatment process, as these symptoms can be severe and challenging to overcome without proper care.
Recognizing cocaine overdose signs and symptoms is just as vital as understanding withdrawal. In addition to the immediate effects of cocaine, overdose symptoms include chest pain, seizures, severe headaches, difficulty breathing, and extreme agitation. These signs signal that the body is being overwhelmed by the drug, and immediate medical intervention is necessary. Failure to act quickly in the event of a cocaine overdose can lead to fatal outcomes, such as heart attack, stroke, or respiratory failure. Knowing these warning signs and symptoms can help save lives and prevent devastating consequences.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Options

Overcoming cocaine addiction often requires a multi-faceted approach. Treatment options include:


The first step in many treatment programs, detox helps remove the drug from the system and manage withdrawal symptoms.

Behavioral Therapy:

This is crucial in understanding the root of the addiction and equipping individuals with strategies to prevent relapse.


While there's no FDA-approved drug specifically for cocaine addiction, some medications can alleviate withdrawal symptoms or reduce cravings.

Support Groups:

Connecting with others who are undergoing or have undergone similar experiences can offer invaluable support and insight.

In addition to cocaine addiction, Pathways Recovery Center also specializes in treating other forms of substance abuse, such as meth addiction and alcohol addiction. Our multifaceted treatment programs are tailored to the unique needs of each individual and the specific challenges presented by each type of addiction.

Pathways Recovery Center - Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles

Nestled in Los Angeles, Pathways Recovery Center provides a trusted haven for those grappling with cocaine addiction. Fully comprehending the intricacies of this addiction and its widespread impact on both individuals and their families, we stand as a beacon for recovery. As a top-tier residential inpatient treatment center, our dedication shines through in the nurturing and supportive environment we curate.
Central to our ethos is a holistic approach to healing. We don’t merely focus on the physical implications of addiction. Instead, we delve deep into its emotional and psychological facets. Our comprehensive program, encompassing individual counseling, group therapy, and robust aftercare support, aims to furnish patients with the necessary tools for a lasting recovery. To get a broader understanding of our scope, explore what we treat and see the wide array of conditions we address.
At Pathways Recovery Center, our treatment philosophy hinges on addressing not just the addiction but the individual as a whole. We believe in identifying and addressing the underlying factors that contribute to addiction, be they biological, social, or psychological. Our serene facility offers the tranquility needed for true introspection and healing. Through evidence-based therapies like CBT and DBT, we aim to empower our patients with the coping skills and positive mindset needed for sustained recovery.
If the shadows of cocaine addiction loom over you or a loved one, remember that assistance is just a call away. Take that pivotal step by reaching out to Pathways Recovery Center, and commence the journey towards a revitalized, drug-free existence in Los Angeles.

Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Moses Nasser

Moses Nasser

Dr. Moses Nasser, a double board-certified physician in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, with expertise in holistic healing, addiction medicine, and psychiatric care, holds an X-waiver to prescribe buprenorphine and has extensive experience in mindfulness-based customer service and medication-assisted treatment.

Additional Resources on Alcoholism:

National Institute on Drug Abuse

How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated?

Very Well Mind

Understanding Cocaine Addiction