Addiction Treatment

Start Recovering with Pathways
Call: 1 (888) 711 0966

Addiction Counseling & Substance Abuse Treatment
in the San Gabriel Valley

There are many approaches to overcoming an addiction, but it’s clear that doing it alone is the least effective. Statistically, going through detox and/or attempting to recover by yourself can bring dangerous consequences to your health and often leads to relapse. It’s tough to overcome addiction by yourself, and in the same environment that has led and kept you in the cycle of addiction. Reaching out for help at Pathways Recovery Center will give you the advantage of the full range of evidence-based clinical therapies and a treatment plan catered to your individual needs. We’ll equip you with the tools, resources, and social support you need to finally leave substance abuse in the past.

Supervised Detox

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be very dangerous to do alone. Symptoms like seizures, dehydration, and psychosis can put you at great risk. Pathways Recovery Center is a 24-hour, incidental medical services, residential treatment...
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Residential Inpatient Treatment

At Pathways Recovery Center, we offer a full service residential alcohol and drug program designed for individuals who need to get away from the fast-paced outside world to take time for reflection and serenity.
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Treatment Model

At Pathways Recovery Center we are dedicated to helping the suffering addict find freedom from their addiction. We use the best evidence-based practices to create a treatment plan that addresses your unique strengths and weaknesses.
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Start Your Journey Today

Situated near the beautiful foothills of Azusa, Pathways Recovery Center is a private and serene environment.
Situated near the beautiful foothills of Azusa, Pathways Recovery Center is a private and serene environment.

Our newly remodeled home is complete with luxury accommodations. We keep our number of clients small, so that you can feel the attention and consideration your recovery deserves. In a spacious home with five bathrooms, sitting rooms, and outdoor lounges, you’ll get the comfort and respite you need to focus on yourself.

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Read Our Blog

How Do I Handle Grief This Holiday Season As I Navigate My Recovery Journey?

How Do I Handle Grief This Holiday Season as I Navigate My Recovery Journey?

The holiday season is often viewed as a time that is supposed to be filled with joy and celebration. But this is not always the case for everyone, especially for those who may be mourning the loss of loved ones. This time of year can be quite melancholy and even a little depressing for someone. […]
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The Complex Relationship Between Alcohol and Bipolar Disorder

The Complex Relationship Between Alcohol and Bipolar Disorder

Many people with substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD) have complex, severe, or persistent mental health disorders, including bipolar disorder (BD). According to Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, "The lifetime prevalence of SUDs is at least 40% in bipolar I patients." Alcohol abuse is one of the leading co-occurring conditions alongside […]
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What Role Does Nutrition Play in Addiction Recovery?

What Role Does Nutrition Play in Addiction Recovery?

When someone struggles with substance use over an extended period of time, it takes a significant toll on their physical health. The body can only take so much wear before it begins to struggle to perform to the best of its ability. The individual will typically become deficient in important vitamins and minerals. This can […]
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Why Are Benzodiazepines Addictive?

Why Are Benzodiazepines Addictive?

Benzodiazepines (BZDs), including Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin, have a potential for dependency and addiction. According to Psychiatric Services, "30.6 million adults (12.6%) reported past-year benzodiazepine use annually . . . and 5.3 million (2.2%) with misuse." Misusing benzodiazepines has the potential to cause severe health side effects. Pathways Recovery Center uses evidence-based methods and alternative […]
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License #: 191083AP
Expiration: 6/30/2025