Treatment Model

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles County

Biopsychosocial model and assessments

The Biopsychosocial Model indentifies three components that affect our well-being:

Biological factors

genetics, gender, physical health, etc.

Psychological factors

personality, coping mechanisms, self-esteem, memories, etc.

Social factors

socioeconomic status, education, family background, etc.

On it’s own, no single component is sufficient to maintain overall wellness. Altogether, these factors make up how we define ourselves and the unique strengths and weaknesses we work with in life. At Pathways Recovery Center, we use Biopsychosocial Assessments to help you pinpoint problem areas and identify how each area influences another. We believe it’s not enough to just evaluate a person’s behavior, we must also look at their environment, social supports, traumas, and health issues.

The Biopsychosocial assessment is a holistic approach to treating addiction that tends to all facets of a person and identifies connections between those facets. We’re not just addressing your substance abuse behavior, we’re here to address all of the factors that led you to addiction.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is aimed at providing you with Distress Tolerance skills to help you learn to cope with difficult emotions that can result from trauma, depression, anxiety, grief, and even the recovery process. DBT is focused on cultivating healthy responses to distress that will replace self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse and self-harm through mindfulness psychotherapy. DBT is especially effective with Co-occuring Disorder, the presence of one or more mental disorders in addition to a substance abuse problem, because DBT teaches us to resist impulsivity, manage crisis, and process our emotions in a healthy way.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on negative thinking patters, behaviors, and emotions to identify cognitive distortions and false beliefs that lead to destructive behaviors. CBT highlights the connections between these elements and can help you identify how each affects the other. CBT helps you develop coping strategies and cognitive techniques to improve your mental health and address current problems.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Individual Counseling

When you enter residential treatment at Pathways Recovery Center, you’ll be assigned an experienced addiction counselor. Your counselor will work with you on your treatment plan and goals and help you work through your feelings, your behaviors, and your thoughts. The objective of individual counseling is to help you process the difficult circumstances, memories, and hang-ups that are feeding the addiction in your life. We want you to develop a detailed understanding of yourself so that you can move forward with better coping skills and reach your personal goals.

Individual Counseling

Group Counseling

When we become trapped in the cycle of substance abuse and addiction, we often end up isolating ourselves from our friends and family. We feel ashamed and like no one can truly understand what we’re going through. Group counseling will give you the realization that you are not alone in addiction or recovery. Through the perspectives and experiences of others you will gain insight and hope about your own circumstances. Your unique experience will surely help someone else who feels isolated in their own problems. Those who struggle with addiction often struggle with interpersonal relationships too. Group counseling will help develop your social skills and ability to relate to others. Together you will learn about Relapse Prevention, Seeking Safety, Anger Management, Grief & Loss and other therapeutic imperatives that help manage addiction.

Group Counseling

12 Step Support

12 Step groups can be a crucial part of the social support you need for long-term recovery. Many people find themselves ashamed of their addiction and lifestyle, but 12 Step groups can show you that addiction can affect anyone, from any background. More importantly, 12 Step Groups can show you that everyone can recover. 12 Step Groups demonstrate that the group is more powerful than the individual. Free from judgement, you can learn coping techniques and recovery strategies from others that will help you get through the overwhelming and difficult days we all go through in recovery. When you meet newcomers, you will remember the difficult trials of those first few days and you get the invaluable experience of helping someone else. 12 Step groups are part of keeping your recovery for a lifetime. When you leave treatment, their doors will always be open.
In the majority of instances, any severe symptoms subside within 7 days. However, milder symptoms such as anxiety, headaches, insomnia, and depression may persist for a longer duration. Cravings could potentially linger for months, which underscores the importance of enrolling in a treatment program post-detox. At Pathways Recovery Center, we can assist you in overcoming these cravings and guide you towards liberation from addiction

Other Holistic therapies

Pathways Recovery Center employs several holistic therapies to help improve your overall well-being. We use Art Therapy to help you express your feelings and manage stress. Fitness and physical therapies will help you feel stronger physically and work out the tension you’ve been storing in your body. With hiking nearby in the Asuza Canyon, you get the mental health benefits of the outdoors along with the physical empowerment of exercise. Yoga and meditation also provide nourishment to your overall well-being and help strengthen your focus.

Clinically Reviewed By:

Picture of Moses Nasser

Moses Nasser

Dr. Moses Nasser, a double board-certified physician in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, with expertise in holistic healing, addiction medicine, and psychiatric care, holds an X-waiver to prescribe buprenorphine and has extensive experience in mindfulness-based customer service and medication-assisted treatment.

Supervised Detox is the heading

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be very dangerous to do alone. Symptoms like seizures, dehydration, and psychosis can put you at great risk. Pathways Recovery Center is a 24-hour, incidental medical services, residential treatment...

Supervised Detox

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol can be very dangerous to do alone. Symptoms like seizures, dehydration, and psychosis can put you at great risk. Pathways Recovery Center is a 24-hour, incidental medical services, residential treatment...
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Residential Inpatient Treatment

At Pathways Recovery Center, we offer a full service residential alcohol and drug program designed for individuals who need to get away from the fast-paced outside world to take time for reflection and serenity...

Residential Inpatient Treatment

At Pathways Recovery Center, we offer a full service residential alcohol and drug program designed for individuals who need to get away from the fast-paced outside world to take time for reflection and serenity...
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Treatment Model

At Pathways Recovery Center we are dedicated to helping the suffering addict find freedom from their addiction. We use the best evidence...

Treatment Model

At Pathways Recovery Center we are dedicated to helping the suffering addict find freedom from their addiction. We use the best evidence...
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